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Calvary John James Hospital

Year of baby's birth


Satisfaction with care from midwives: 

Not greatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:

Not greatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from GP:

Very poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:

Not greatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with birth experience overall:

Not greatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Model of care

Private obstetrician

Why did you choose this model of care?

What were your choices for this birth?

Support for normal vaginal birth, Unmedicalised birth process, Nothing in particular-willing to fit in with hospital processes

How did your birth start?

Induction of labour

What were your outcomes?

Staff I didn't know attending me, CTG monitoring (continuous monitoring of baby's heartbeat), Induction/augmentation of labour, Instrumental delivery (Vacuum extraction/Forceps), 3rd/4th degree perineal tear, Vaginal birth

Did you feel you could say No to care/treatments offered (or change your mind about your choices) at any time?


Details of experience

We experienced a loss in our first pregnancy which meant birthing at 15 weeks. After this we naively believed if we paid we would be saved that trauma again. I handed all my decisions over to the OB and had no idea that I could have had a much better experience had I done more research. I believed my best interests were at heart but a live baby and mum was the standard.

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