Homebirth: Postcode
Year of baby's birth
Satisfaction with care from midwives:
Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:
Satisfaction with care from GP:
Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:
Satisfaction with birth experience overall:
Model of care
Private midwife
Why did you choose this model of care?
Known midwife, focused care, most relaxed environment, best chance of a natural birth.
What were your choices for this birth?
Water immersion for labour and birth, Support for normal vaginal birth, Homebirth with a registered private midwife, Unmedicalised birth process, Birth support team of my choice (no visitor restrictions)
How did your birth start?
Spontaneous labour (started naturally)
What were your outcomes?
Attended by my known midwife/doctor, Birth support team of my choice, Water immersion for labour, Water immersion for birth, Instinctive pushing (ie not coached), Grazing/1st-2nd degree tear, Vaginal birth, Physiological 3rd stage (natural placenta birth without syntocinon)
Details of experience
I had a very smooth 12 hour labour and delivery, in my own home where I felt the most relaxed. My husband was very involved and my mum got to be present as well. Baby and I were in charge. My body knew what to do, and pushed my baby out really perfectly. Then we got to snuggle up in our own bed, get to know our new baby, and have a good home cooked meal. And we got to have regular visits and great support postpartum, without having to leave home once. Which is so important I those intense and confusing early days.