Mercy Hospital For Women
Year of baby's birth
Satisfaction with care from midwives:
Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:
Satisfaction with care from GP:
Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:
Satisfaction with birth experience overall:
Model of care
Known midwife (MGP/birth ctr in pub. hosp.)
Why did you choose this model of care?
Wanted continuity of care
What were your choices for this birth?
Support for normal vaginal birth, Unmedicalised birth process, Access to medical care/surgery if nec (eg c-section)
How did your birth start?
Planned c/section
What were your outcomes?
Attended by my known midwife/doctor, Caesarean section, Obstetric violence (eg denied care, forced into decisions, touched without consent, yelled at)
Did you feel you could say No to care/treatments offered (or change your mind about your choices) at any time?
Details of experience
Unfortunately at 36 weeks my baby was found to be breech, I was advised that I wouldn’t be able to deliver vaginally and would need a c-section. I pushed back on this and spoke to a doctor who advised me that it I didn’t go with the c-section that I was basically going to kill my baby during birth. I was advised that no one was trained in breech birth delivery. I was made to feel like I was a bad mother if I chose anything other than a C-section. Ultimately because I felt unsupported in my preferences despite having a completely low risk pregnancy, to go ahead with what they suggested. I was so angry and had to process alot of grief over what I felt like I missed out on. I will going for a VBAC with my next regardless and will get a better support team if required.