Echuca Regional Health
Year of baby's birth
Satisfaction with care from midwives:
Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:
Satisfaction with care from GP:
Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:
Satisfaction with birth experience overall:
Model of care
GP/hospital shared care
Why did you choose this model of care?
What were your choices for this birth?
Water immersion for labour and birth, Support for normal vaginal birth, Homebirth with a registered private midwife, Unmedicalised birth process, Birth support team of my choice (no visitor restrictions)
How did your birth start?
Spontaneous labour (started naturally)
What were your outcomes?
Transferred from home/low risk birth service to hospital due to diagnosed risk, Caesarean section
Did you feel you could say No to care/treatments offered (or change your mind about your choices) at any time?
Details of experience
Planned home birth. Baby was breech home birth midwife was not able to attend birth as she was at another birth. She was also not trained in breech nor felt confident to deliver breech. Went to hospital in spontaneous labour. Diagnosed with preeclampsia (high blood pressure), had C-section, 3 L blood loss hemmorage , baby was shocked and suspected sepsis, had PIPER flown in , baby transferred to Bendigo hospital with out parents, I had balloon catheter surgery due to blood loss, blood transfusion, iron transfusion. I was not checked for blood loss often enough, I was not heard when I told staff I was freezing (visibly shaking), there was little empathy, it felt I was under their control and I had no voice. Nurses were arguing about how much blood I needed for my transfusion in pre opp, nurse and anaesthetist arguing about type of anaesthetics (general or spinal) for balloon catheter surgery. I also had poor breast feeding guidance which did not give me confidence or make me feel empowered or trusting my body in any way. I was later diagnosed with HELLP syndrome. Overall it was a rather traumatic experience.