Rockingham General Hospital
Year of baby's birth
Satisfaction with care from midwives:
Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:
Satisfaction with care from GP:
Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:
Satisfaction with birth experience overall:
Model of care
Obstetric clinic (pub. hosp.)
Why did you choose this model of care?
I didn't know any better
What were your choices for this birth?
Support for normal vaginal birth, Unmedicalised birth process
How did your birth start?
Spontaneous labour (started naturally)
What were your outcomes?
Staff I didn't know attending me, CTG monitoring (continuous monitoring of baby's heartbeat), Induction/augmentation of labour, Epidural, Episiotomy, Grazing/1st-2nd degree tear, Breastfeeding difficulties
Did you feel you could say No to care/treatments offered (or change your mind about your choices) at any time?
Details of experience
I presented to the hospital with an early labour rupture of membranes, I had a very light mec staining (old) so was accosted by the obstetrian on shift and told that if I refused an induction my baby would die so I did as I was told. I had a 20hr induction. Hypertonic contractions had my crumbled on a bed absolutely despising my body and my baby (I blamed us, not the shitty synthetic hormone being pumped into me). I eventually caved into an epidural then coached pushing, then an episiodemy. I looked at my baby after I'd delivered her and all I could think of was holy crap that was horrific. I had no euphoria. I just had resentment. Cool now I've gotta leave this place and become a mum. I feel so sad that my oldest child didn't get the right start in life.