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Homebirth: Postcode


Year of baby's birth


Satisfaction with care from midwives: 

ExcellentVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:

GreatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from GP:

Very poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:

ExcellentVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with birth experience overall:

GreatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Model of care

Midwifery clinic (pub. hosp.)

Why did you choose this model of care?

What were your choices for this birth?

Water immersion for labour and birth, Support for normal vaginal birth, Unmedicalised birth process, Birth support team of my choice (no visitor restrictions)

How did your birth start?

Spontaneous labour (started naturally)

What were your outcomes?

Staff I didn't know attending me, Birth support team of my choice, Water immersion for labour, Epidural, Grazing/1st-2nd degree tear, Vaginal birth, Breastfeeding difficulties

Details of experience

I was disappointed that I could not access continuity of midwifery care and was attended to by a different midwife at each appointment. My appointments felt rushed and sometimes impersonal. I felt overly serviced and monitored towards the end of my pregnancy as I went 'post-dates' and felt pressured to accept an induction as a routine procedure. I was not informed of any risks associated with this procedure and I'm very glad I denied it and was able to go into labour spontaneously.
I was fortunate to have beautiful midwives at my birth on the day, although I did not know them, and they respected all my wishes and had thoroughly studied my birth plan. I felt like I was able to make my own decisions when challenges arose during the birth.
The facilities at the hospital were very good.

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