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Homebirth: Postcode


Year of baby's birth


Satisfaction with care from midwives: 

ExcellentVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:

ExcellentVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from GP:

Very poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:

ExcellentVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with birth experience overall:

ExcellentVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Model of care

Private midwife

Why did you choose this model of care?

What were your choices for this birth?

Water immersion for labour and birth, Support for normal vaginal birth, Homebirth with a registered private midwife, Unmedicalised birth process, Birth support team of my choice (no visitor restrictions)

How did your birth start?

Spontaneous labour (started naturally)

What were your outcomes?

Transferred from home/low risk birth service to hospital due to diagnosed risk, Attended by my known midwife/doctor, Birth support team of my choice, Water immersion for labour, CTG monitoring (continuous monitoring of baby's heartbeat), Induction/augmentation of labour, Epidural, Instrumental delivery (Vacuum extraction/Forceps), Episiotomy, Vaginal birth, Special care nursery/NICU stay for baby

Details of experience

It was my first birth & I chose my care team. I chose to transfer after a very long labour & chose to get an epidural which resulted in an episiotomy & forceps. My midwife, partner & doula came to the hospital with me & stayed for the birth & the backup obstetrician we had paid for supported our birth. I felt empowered the whole time despite the transfer with no trauma from the birth experience.

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