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Homebirth: Postcode


Year of baby's birth


Satisfaction with care from midwives: 

ExcellentVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:

GreatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from GP:

ExcellentVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:

GreatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with birth experience overall:

GreatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Model of care

GP/hospital shared care

Why did you choose this model of care?

What were your choices for this birth?

Water immersion for labour and birth, Support for normal vaginal birth, Access to medical care/surgery if nec (eg c-section)

How did your birth start?

Induction of labour

What were your outcomes?

Staff I didn't know attending me, Induction/augmentation of labour, Instrumental delivery (Vacuum extraction/Forceps), Episiotomy, Vaginal birth, Special care nursery/NICU stay for baby, Breastfeeding difficulties

Details of experience

I had a relatively easy pregnancy and prepared for a normal birth/water birth. I joined the hospitals antenatal program and the midwives were lovely! Around my due date the hospital midwife had concerns about my waters leaking and they wanted to induce me. I feel like this paved a different path for my birth which I wasn't expecting. For my next birth I am considering a private obstetrician as I would feel more assured in knowing who my care team are.

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