Homebirth: Postcode
Year of baby's birth
Satisfaction with care from midwives:
Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:
Satisfaction with care from GP:
Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:
Satisfaction with birth experience overall:
Model of care
Midwifery clinic (pub. hosp.)
Why did you choose this model of care?
BCBS allowed me to have home birth
What were your choices for this birth?
Support for normal vaginal birth, Homebirth with a registered private midwife, Unmedicalised birth process, Birth support team of my choice (no visitor restrictions)
How did your birth start?
Spontaneous labour (started naturally)
What were your outcomes?
Transferred from home/low risk birth service to hospital due to diagnosed risk, Birth support team of my choice, CTG monitoring (continuous monitoring of baby's heartbeat), Induction/augmentation of labour, Episiotomy, Vaginal birth, Obstetric violence (eg denied care, forced into decisions, touched without consent, yelled at)
Details of experience
I was transferred to the hospital after 12hr labour at home. I was fine, baby was fine, everything seemed was very natural. Only my contractions slowed down because of emotional impact provoked by one member of my birth team. At Tweed Hospital I was induced. My baby came after 2 hours of pushing. I had episiotomy. She came as healthy and beautiful girl. Obs and midwife said they going to cut the cord. I was clearly and vocally expressing that I do not want the cord to be cut, my doula was saying as well that they can not cut the cord. They clamped it, for the reason that it was haemorrhage. At the same time they were pushing the placenta out of my belly pulling by the cord and pushing on my lower abdomen. Medical stuff did not have my consent but still did it. After I have to do my own research because I did not get proper medical explanation about that procedure. And all research suggests delayed clamping. Regardless the risk of bleeding they should not have to cut my daughter of her placenta while it was still intact. They went against my will and did the procedure without my consent. That is not Ok.