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Homebirth: Postcode


Year of baby's birth


Satisfaction with care from midwives: 

Not greatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:

Not greatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with care from GP:

Very poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:

GreatVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Satisfaction with birth experience overall:

Very poorVery poorNot greatGoodGreatExcellent

Model of care

Obstetric clinic (pub. hosp.)

Why did you choose this model of care?

What were your choices for this birth?

Nothing in particular-willing to fit in with hospital processes

How did your birth start?

Induction of labour

What were your outcomes?

Staff I didn't know attending me, CTG monitoring (continuous monitoring of baby's heartbeat), Induction/augmentation of labour, Grazing/1st-2nd degree tear, Obstetric violence (eg denied care, forced into decisions, touched without consent, yelled at)

Details of experience

Long wait times for DiP
No contact from hospital re induction
Midwife yelled at me to push harder when I’d only been in for 4 hours.
Basic pain relief denied and forgotten about
Requested to have CTG removed, denied.
Baby’s BGLs checked 12+ times due to machine being broken in post natal ward
Discharge notes not passed on to visiting midwife service

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